
Moving to SugarWires from another web host?

Let’s relocate you to somewhere with a little better weather …

Starts at only £49/Site

We’re really happy you’re considering migrating your site(s) to SugarWires [or even just considering hiring us to do some migrations for you as a one-off service]. Our goal is to make this process as clean and quick as physically possible. Nobody wants downtime on their website, for any reason!

Once we have all your information and confirm our start, It’ll usually only be 24 hours between starting the move and having your site(s) active at their new server home. We’ll then do some final checks to confirm everything has gone as planned and complete the job for you. It’s as easy as that!

Get a Quotation for Your Site

The Migration Process

Connect & Inform.

The first step is to get in touch with us either after you’ve purchased a hosting plan with us and want your free primary migration, or if you’d want us to do a third-party migration.

Assessment & Quote.

We’ll assess your unique situation with all the information you’ve provided and give you our very best no-obligation quotation, so you can make an informed choice about the process.

Compatibility Checks.

An important step is ensuring that absolutely everything you have on your ‘old server’ is going to be available on your ‘new server’ to avoid any ugly last-minute complications.

Domain Mapping.

We’ll then start the process of migrating your domain(s) from your old server to your new server. This can take time [explained in the FAQs below]. We’ll then wait for it to propagate.

Website Migration.

Once your new domain is snugly within the new server, our real work begins. We’ll make backups of absolutely everything and then start the website migration process.

Email Migrations.

If you have custom yourname @ yourdomain.com email addresses, then we’ll need to transfer those to ensure there’s no issues with sending and receiving mail.

FAQs & Terms of this Service.

Some important things to be aware of prior to booking this service.

What is the turnaround time for this service?

We can only give an estimate of turnaround time after we’ve had a chance to converse with you about what types of website(s) you have, how many you have and have been made aware of both your current host and the host you’re moving to – all of which will effect the delivery time.

What is the pricing?

We offer to migrate your primary website for free when you decide to join our hosting family. Reach out to us after you’ve purchased your hosting and we’ll start the migration process. Additionally, we offer one-off migrations for WordPress-based websites, HTML-based websites and for scripts [such as PHP scripts]. Our pricing for these are £49, £29 and £29.

Will my site(s) go offline?

There is always a period of downtime when moving a domain from one host to another host due to domain propagation. This changing hand process alone can take from 28-72 hours. It’s only after this process that we can begin our work. It will usually take us no more than 24 hours [post domain propagation] to have you back up and running the way you were.

Will my emails be affected?

Yes. As you’re effectively shifting your custom email address from one server to another, your emails will definitely need re-routing for you to be able to send/receive. It’s vitally important you let us know about any of these custom email addresses prior to us starting this work. We charge £25 to reconnect your entire email suite to your new hosting platform.

Waant to enquire about this service?

Click here to send us an email